Synod Missions Council

CWM Council Meeting 2012


To be a faithful corporate witness for Jesus Christ by mobilizing prayer, human resources and financial resources among the Presbyterian churches in Singapore to achieve an integrated and co-ordinated approach in mission as a denomination.


To form an equivalent “ASEAN” platform for our regional churches to come together regularly to champion mission endeavours.


  1. Build overseas missions network to provide missions opportunities for Presbyterian churches, continuity and expansion these opportunities.
  2. Organize Missions Consultation with the mission to provide regional missions update and challenging churches into active missions partnerships locally, regionally and globally.
  3. Facilitate missions partnership in the form of:
    1. Personnel exchanges
    2. Understanding missions
    3. Sharing of theological resources
    4. Training and prepare pastoral talent for churches
    5. Providing financial support
  4. Strengthen Presbyterian churches mission functions.
    1. Mission Board development
    2. Encouraging and facilitating local missions work with immigrants and migrant workers.


  • Promote the Presbyterian Church in Singapore (PCS) as part of the universal church to advance God’s kingdom in the world.
  • Set priorities and policies to guide PCS in worldwide missions.
  • Develop and maintain mutual enriching relationships with partner churches through consultation and sharing of human and material resources
  • Equip and encourage involvement in missions at local, presbytery and national levels.
  • Help members appreciate the worldwide nature of Christian faith.


  • Regional Missions Networking
  • Exchange of human resources, missionaries at denominational level
  • Mission projects with regional partners
  • Mission Board development
  • Local mission and initiatives with migrant workers and immigrants

The Synod Missions Committee 2023-2025

On-going Projects

  1. Cambodia (Khmer Presbyterian Fellowship)
    • Medical missions and Prison ministry
    • $7,200 annual support to three KPF Pastors
    • Launch The Synod Presbyterian Church in Cambodia (SPCC)
    • Cambodia Focus Group to collaborate church planting and outreach efforts in Cambodia among PCS member Churches
  2. China (Wuhan Lay Leadership Training Institute)
    • $3,500 annual scholarship for theological studies
  3. India (Presbyterian Church of India and John Roberts Theological Seminary)
    • $6,000 annual support for JRTS faculty
  4. Indonesia (Geraja Kristen Indonesia and Klaten Christian School in Jogjakarta)
    • $18,200 annual support for School chaplaincy & evangelism
  5. Malaysia (Geraja Presbyterian Malaysia and BEM Sarawak)
    • Joint mission trips to reach out to indigenous people
    • Coordinate Church planting efforts in Malaysia
    • $6,000 annual support for BEM Sarawak Kindergarten
    • Support kindergarten teachers’ allowances in Sarawak
  6. Myanmar (The Presbyterian Church in Myanmar – Sittwe Boarding House)
    • A Report on Sittwe Boarding House (January 2021)
    • Conduct vocational and discipleship training
    • $3,300 annual support to Sittwe Boarding House Students outreach work
    • Launch the Myanmar Focus Group to collaborate church planting and outreach efforts in Yangon among PCS member Churches
  7. Nepal
    1. Nepal Disaster Relief here
    2. SMC Relief Work in Nepal in May
    3. Love Expressed in Obedience to His Truth During Pandemic Times
    4. Nepal Medical camp 2018 
    5. Timeline on God’s Handiwork in Nepal
    6. Nepal Mission Trip Oct 2024
  8. Vietnam (The Presbyterian Church in Vietnam – Thanh My in Lam Dong province & Ho Chi Minh City)
    • Support students outreach
    • Conduct training for pastors
  9. Wales (The Presbyterian Church in Wales)
    • Support missionary and Missions enabler Rev. Charles Chua

How to support Synod Missions

  • Give thanks to God and pray with us.
  • Adopt a country which the Synod Missions is in active partnership with.
  • Participate in specific projects with our partners.
  • Extend help to fellow Presbyterians in the region and work with the Synod Missions Committee.

Missions Partners

  • Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia (GPM)
  • Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)
  • Presbyterian Church in Myanmar (PCM)
  • Presbyterian Church in Wales (PCW)
  • Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly, JRTS (KJPA or PCI)
  • Sinode Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI)
  • Presbyterian Church in Vietnam (PCVn)
  • Wuhan Theological Seminary
  • Khmer Presbyterian Fellowship (KPF)
  • Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (HKCCCC)
  • Singapore Centre for Global Missions
  • Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT)

Pray for us

  1. Pray for unity of our Churches to partner for greater missions endeavours.
  2. Pray for every Missions Chairperson and Committee member – wisdom, faith and strategies for local and overseas outreach.
  3. Pray for the Synod Missions Committee – wisdom and insights to break new grounds for missions.
  4. Pray for more workers and resources to be raised to build God’s Kingdom through missions.

Latest Activities

In March 2015, five Cambodian pastors came to Singapore for a 2 weeks attachment with us. View more information here.

More Information

Contact our Synod Missions Executive:
The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, 7 Holland Village Way, One Holland Village #01-19, Singapore 275748
Phone: Office: 6338-7268

View: Mission Brochure