Presbyterian Care Singapore Network (PCS-N)

Committee Members 2023-2025


  • To raise the profile of participating Presbyterian churches that are involved in providing services to the community under a unifying networking platform.
  • To share the resources in terms of experience and knowledge among the concerned parties involved in community services/ministries.
  • To establish a relational network with the purpose of promoting goodwill and possible collaboration for collective impact.

PCS-N, in line with its objectives, hopes to serve as a platform for coming together of like-minded Presbyterian Churches in reaching out to the community at large as one united body in Christ.


More importantly, the coming together for the mutual benefits of our respective network members is to provide greater impact in the community we serve.


Highlights of PCS-N events over the years as follows:

  • The first event was an introduction of the PCS-N concept by former Presbyterian Community Services Executive Director Elder Laurence Wee at Synod AGM 2013 in conjunction with PCS report. It was well received.
  • The second event was a Round Table Discussion and Feedback Session was held in at Metropolitan YMCA on 29 April 2014. The Session saw the vision of PCS-N, its rationale, objectives and purpose being explained. It was an appeal for like-minded churches to come together as a common platform and solidarity.
  • The third event was the Inaugural PCS-N conference held at All Saints Home in 2014. Some 15 community services under the Presbyterian umbrella participated in the event to showcase all the various services and good works they had carried out. During the event, Elder Gan Kim Yong was the GOH.
    (A Commemorative Magazine “The Presbyterian Church Community Services” was produced and distributed during the 135th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore held at Indoor Stadium in 2016).
  • A Standing Committee under Synod for PCS-N has been formed under the auspices of Synod Moderator Rt. Rev Teo Yew Tiong (2017-2019). The first committee meeting was held on 17 April 2018.
  • On 18 July 2019, the Presbyterian Care Singapore Network (PCS-N) held its inaugural PCS-N Round Table event. A total of 30 participants from 12 organizations including Synod Moderator Rt Rev Keith Lai attended. Synod Vice Moderator Wong Shyun Jye introduced a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which is non-binding, for members’ consideration.

Inaugural PCS-N Round Table

Inaugural PCS-N Round Table